Download Sublime Text 3 Build 3176

Sublime Text is a proprietary cross-platform source code editor with a Python application programming interface. It natively supports many programming languages and markup languages, and functions can be added by users with plugins, typically community-built and maintained under free-software licenses.

Some Key Features

Go to Anything
Use Goto Anything to open files with only a few keystrokes, and instantly jump to symbols, lines or words.
Triggered with Ctrl+P, it is possible to:
  • Type part of a file name to open it.
  • Type @ to jump to symbols, # to search within the file, and : to go to a line number.
These shortcuts can be combined, so tp@rf may take you to a function read_file within a file Similarly, tp:100 would take you to line 100 of the same file.
Multiple Selection
Make ten changes at the same time, not one change ten times. Multiple selections allow you to interactively change many lines at once, rename variables with ease, and manipulate files faster than ever.
Try pressing Ctrl+Shift+L to split the selection into lines and Ctrl+D to select the next occurrence of the selected word. To make multiple selections with the mouse, take a look at the Column Selection documentation.
Powerfull API and Package Ecosystem
Sublime Text has a powerful, Python API that allows plugins to augment built-in functionality.
Package Control can be installed via the command palette, providing simple access to thousands of packages built by the community.
Split Editing
Get the most out of your wide screen monitor with split editing support. Edit files side by side, or edit two locations in the one file. You can edit with as many rows and columns as you wish. Take advantage of multiple monitors by editing with multiple windows, and using multiple splits in each window.
Take a look at the View ▶ Layout menu for split editing options. To open multiple views into the one file, use the File ▶ New View into File menu item.
Sublime Text is built from custom components, providing for unmatched responsiveness. From a powerful, custom cross-platform UI toolkit, to an unmatched syntax highlighting engine, Sublime Text sets the bar for performance.
Goto Definition
Using information from syntax definitions, Sublime Text automatically generates a project-wide index of every class, method and function. This index powers Goto Definition, which is exposed in three different ways:
A popup is displayed when hovering over a symbol
Pressing F12 when the caret is on a symbol
The Goto Symbol in Project functionality
Symbol indexing can be customized on a per-syntax basis via configuration files, allowing users to tailor the feature to their needs.
Command Pallete
The Command Palette holds infrequently used functionality, like sorting, changing the syntax and changing the indentation settings. With just a few keystrokes, you can search for what you want, without ever having to navigate through the menus or remember obscure key bindings.
Show the Command Palette with Ctrl+Shift+P.
Customize Anything
Key bindings, menus, snippets, macros, completions and more - just about everything in Sublime Text is customizable with simple JSON files. This system gives you flexibility as settings can be specified on a per-file type and per-project basis.
Instant Project Switch
Projects in Sublime Text capture the full contents of the workspace, including modified and unsaved files. You can switch between projects in a manner similar to Goto Anything, and the switch is instant, with no save prompts - all your modifications will be restored next time the project is opened.
Cross Platform
Sublime Text is available for Mac, Windows and Linux. One license is all you need to use Sublime Text on every computer you own, no matter what operating system it uses.
Sublime Text uses a custom UI toolkit, optimized for speed and beauty, while taking advantage of native functionality on each platform.


3.1.1 (BUILD 3176)

14 May 2018
Various fixes from 3.1
  • Added ui_scale setting to scale the entire UI, dpi_scale is now Linux-only
  • Linux: Added workaround for a display driver issue, giving significant scrolling improvements for some environments
  • Indexing: Added more information in the Indexing Status window, and reduced CPU utilization in some scenarios

How To Install

  1. Download and install as usual,
  2. Go to etc/hosts,
  3. Add these lines to the files,
  4. Used the license key;
    ----- BEGIN LICENSE -----
    Single User License
    8891CBB9 F1513E4F 1A3405C1 A865D53F
    115F202E 7B91AB2D 0D2A40ED 352B269B
    76E84F0B CD69BFC7 59F2DFEF E267328F
    215652A3 E88F9D8F 4C38E3BA 5B2DAAE4
    969624E7 DC9CD4D5 717FB40C 1B9738CF
    20B3C4F1 E917B5B3 87C38D9C ACCE7DD8
    5F7EF854 86B9743C FADC04AA FB0DA5C0
    F913BE58 42FEA319 F954EFDD AE881E0B
    ------ END LICENSE ------
  5. Enjoy,