[UPDATED] Download StartIsBack++ Final Windows 8/8.1/10
StartIsBack adalah aplikasi terbaik untuk mengganti tampilan bawaan windows 8/8.1/10 yang agak kurang srek (menurut saya) menjadi tampilan Windows 7 yg lebih familiar. StartIsBack mengembalikan tampilan StartScreen windows 8 dan 10 sepenuhnya menjadi StartMenu dan startOrbs khas windows 7. StartIsBack meningkatkan kegunaan desktop dan membuat start menu baru yg ramah ke pengguna. StartIsBack adalah sebuah program yg ringan, murah, stabil dan aman.
Benar-benar murni; kaya akan konfigurasi dan kustomisasi; Dan masih banyak lagi.
StartIsBack adalah aplikasi wajib bagi anda yg menggunakan windows terbaru seperti windows 8/8.1/10 dan ingin mengembalikan tampilan StartScreen ke StartMenu windows 7. Interfacenya juga ringan, layaknya seperti asli windows 7 beneran. Bisa dikustomisasi startOrb nya menjadi persis windows 7 asli atau pake ikon sendiri.
Your faithful desktop friend which helps you:
Supports all Windows languages!
Reinvigorated for new Windows
StartIsBack++ for Windows 10 can:
Also it opens 100% of a time and always finds what you want to find - sorry, Windows 10 gimmick!
Unique experience
Personalize your system as you want it:
Whether you're power user or senior citizen, StartIsBack will work for you.
Plus plus much more!
StartIsBack is lightweight and secure: it does not require administrator rights to install, consumes minimal amount of system resources, does not run additional processes or services.
StartIsBack is actively developed - you can get StartIsBack for Windows 8, StartIsBack+ for Windows 8.1 and StartIsBack++ for Windows 10.
Each version is tailored for specific Windows version to be able to address weaknesses of each Windows release and gain strength with targeted features and clean user experience.
Gimana? Keren 'kan?
Buruan DiDownload, hehe,
Demikian Semoga Bermanfaat.
Benar-benar murni; kaya akan konfigurasi dan kustomisasi; Dan masih banyak lagi.
StartIsBack adalah aplikasi wajib bagi anda yg menggunakan windows terbaru seperti windows 8/8.1/10 dan ingin mengembalikan tampilan StartScreen ke StartMenu windows 7. Interfacenya juga ringan, layaknya seperti asli windows 7 beneran. Bisa dikustomisasi startOrb nya menjadi persis windows 7 asli atau pake ikon sendiri.
Berikut Fitur-fitur nya
Genuine start menuYour faithful desktop friend which helps you:
- Launch programs you use frequently
- Open documents you're working on
- Find stuff you're looking for
- Go to system places in one click
- Easily shut down your system
- Feel at home with new Windows
Supports all Windows languages!
Reinvigorated for new Windows
StartIsBack++ for Windows 10 can:
- Fine-tune taskbar color
- Add taskbar translucency with blur
- Show live badges for modern apps
- Restore larger taskbar icons
- Reduce OS resource usage
Also it opens 100% of a time and always finds what you want to find - sorry, Windows 10 gimmick!
Unique experience
Personalize your system as you want it:
- Choose a skin for start menu
- Choose start button appearance
- Choose shortcuts in Start menu
- Make Start menu work like XP one
- Set up hotkeys for Start menu / Start screen / Advanced functions
Whether you're power user or senior citizen, StartIsBack will work for you.
Plus plus much more!
StartIsBack is lightweight and secure: it does not require administrator rights to install, consumes minimal amount of system resources, does not run additional processes or services.
StartIsBack is actively developed - you can get StartIsBack for Windows 8, StartIsBack+ for Windows 8.1 and StartIsBack++ for Windows 10.
Each version is tailored for specific Windows version to be able to address weaknesses of each Windows release and gain strength with targeted features and clean user experience.
Gimana? Keren 'kan?
Buruan DiDownload, hehe,
Demikian Semoga Bermanfaat.
Download Links
Download | Type | Size |
StartIsBack-TR | RAR | 0.5 MB |
StartIsBack (Windows 8) | EXE | 2 MB |
StartIsBack+ (Windows 8.1) | EXE | 2 MB |
StartIsBack++ (Oldest Windows 10 - 1607) | StartIsBack++ (Windows 10) | EXE | 2 MB |
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