Download Brackets 1.6 Text Editor

Kali ini ane akan membahas aplikasi teks editor yang fungsinya dimaksimalakan untuk desain html, atau lebih tepatnya ke CSS. Ya, nama aplikasi ini adalah Brackets.
Pada update terbaru Brackets 1.6 ini, ada beberapa penambahan fitur, seperti;
- Split View file yang sama,
- Memutar file ke View panle yang lain dengan cepat,
- Hint List javascript yang ditambahakan,
- dll
Brackets is a lightweight, yet powerful, modern text editor. We blend visual tools into the editor so you get the right amount of help when you want it. With new features and extensions released every 3-4 weeks, it's like getting presents all year long.
Get Code Hints from a PSD
The Extract for Brackets (Preview) extension lets you pull out design information from a PSD including colors, fonts, gradients, and measurement information as clean, minimal CSS via contextual code hints. You can also extract layers as images, use information from the PSD to define preprocessor variables, and easily get dimensions between objects. All in the context of your code.
Demikian, Semoga bermanfaat.
Link Download Direct
[table color="theme1"]Link Download Direct
[row] [heading] Download [/heading] [heading] Type [/heading] [heading] Size [/heading] [/row]
[row] [col] Brackets 1.6 Extract [/col] [col] MSI [/col] [col] 38 MB [/col] [/row]
[row] [col] Brackets 1.6 Without Extract [/col] [col] MSI [/col] [col] 35 MB [/col] [/row]